Thursday, October 26, 2006

Evan Update

Semi-clear picture of Evan's face. He looks a lot like Mike!
A little bit of a smashed picture. He must have been right up against something.

Evan is getting to be quite a large baby. At almost 30 weeks, he is now 3 lbs and 11 ozs. He's in the 70% precentile for growth. Otherwise, my blood pressure is fine and I'm up to 16 lbs total, but I'm eating all of the time. I'm worried about how large he may get but we should be fine. While we were having the ultrasound/sonogram, the tech popped his picture into 3D/4D mode. It was very cool. We have determined that he looks a lot like Mike. One of Mike's coworkers even told him that Mike has the same face when he wakes up in the mornings, after his shift. I would have to agree.


Andrea said...
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Andrea said...

Sorry that was comment was missing a few words. Technology is amazing! I still want to finish that sonography degree I started...

Anonymous said...

Way Cool.

Bethany said...

Tara - those images are AMAZING!! How cool that you got to see that! I haven't done a 3-D sono, but that makes me want to. He's precious, and I know you're getting excited. You're weight gain is AWESOME!! You'll have to give me tips on how you've kept it to a minimum.

Tara said...

I have no idea how I haven't put on 40 lbs. I didn't eat a lot my first trimester and a half. I just couldn't, wasn't sick or anything. I wish I could tell you because I would continue to do it after Evan's born.

Andrea said...

Allright where are those baby shower pics? Its bad enough I had to miss it!