Tuesday, December 19, 2006

A bad night

The bad night had nothing to do with Evan! After dinner last night, I stood up and all of a sudden felt a rush of fluid. The front of my pants was soaked. I immediately took Mike and went to the bathroom and I was gushing reddish watery fluid from my c-section site. We ended up going to the Northside ER and all they did was re-dress my site and tell me to call the doctor in the morning. I was very upset and insisted on taking Evan with us. I know it's my hormones but I just can't bear to be away from him for long.

I went to the doctor this morning and one of my internal stitches have popped. It leaks through the bandage after a few hours. Mike is going to be changing the bandage and wash my c-section site each morning and evening. He really has been a good husband! Now, he has an additional MD visit with me once a week to the OB/GYN so they can assess my surgery site. Now I have to take it even easier, take an antibiotic and more pain meds. All in all, I still can't complain. I have a wonderful little Christmas gift.


Anonymous said...

sorry to hear about that, girl. that very same thing happened to a friend of mine after her c-section. it will heal very soon! just rest up and snuggle that gorgeous little boy!!

Andrea said...

oh man! Its always something 'aint it. You've got the right attitude-I'm impressed!

Tara said...

I have to be positive, he's a wonderful baby and Mike's been so good to me. Everything will heal eventually. I'm just lucky it isn't something serious.

Amanda said...

Bless your heart! I didn't have to deal with that - I had no stiches from my c-section and never even had a drop of blood or fluid from it! I feel for you girl!!! He is worth it all though!

Katy S. said...

I am glad you are doing well now.

Bethany said...

Way to have a positive outlook!!! I know how you feel about not wanting to leave them...especially when they are that young. I do hope that you can get some rest and heal...that's what all new mothers need and hardly any get!!! Thinking about you!