Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Evan sleeping as I blog and Mike plays a computer game
Tummy time, earlier today

Last week

Christmas week. I am going to start wearing makeup again soon!

Sorry I haven't posted much. In a short 2 weeks and 1 day, I am completely overwhelmed. Evan is still a great baby and a wonderful gift but it is difficult trying to get him on a schedule so that Mike and I stay sane. Mike goes back to work next week and I'm not looking forward to it being just Evan and me a few days a week. I can handle it but it is scary at the same time.

Evan's 2 week appointment at the pediatrician went well today. He is up to 7 lbs, 6.5 ozs. We are doing something right! My breastfeeding is not as successful as I thought either. I am still not producing enough for my growing baby boy so I am pumping, supplementing with formula and just trying not to get too discouraged. I have to remind myself that some is better than none at all.

My appointment with the OB/GYN yesterday went well also. Mike has done a great job of cleaning my wound (from the c-section opening) and it is starting to heal well. It is still not healed enough so Mike has to keep up the wound packing and dressing for the next 2 weeks. Maybe in two weeks, they can stitch me up.
I have driven a few times (supervised with my husband), since I haven't taken any pain medicine in a few days. We have gone out some too for groceries and more newborn sized diapers. Most of the time, we take it easy at home and clean the house and clean Evan's clothes, toys and blankets. We are still working out the diaper changing thing and trying to dodge Evan peeing on us. We haven't been very successful over the past two days. He's peed on almost everything on and near the changing table. He also hates being exposed. You take his diaper off and he cries and cries.

Overall, things are well with us. Like I said before, he is a dream baby and I love him more than anything in this world. I am trying to cherish everyday I get at home. I have to go back to work March 6 but it could be a little earlier because work denied me supplemental short term disability coverage, which means I won't get a paycheck for 2 or 3 weeks in February/March. I am still working on that one though. I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and I wish everyone a Happy New Year! Love to everyone!


Andrea said...

It is overwhelming but it does get better I promise. If you want a book to help get a schedule down and help Evan sleep through the night try "On Becoming Baby Wise". Keep up the good work!

Andrea said...

Oh and try putting a cloth diaper/burp cloth over Evan's wee wee (for lack of a better term) when you change his diaper. We did that for a long time with David. He soaked a lot of burp cloths, but it was better than cleaning pee off everything else!

Bethany said...

Hey girl, hope you all had a Merry Christmas. I admire you for your dedication with breastfeeding! You're right, some is better than none! Keep it up, and don't worry, everything will begin to fall into place in the next week or so.

Amanda said...

I had the same issues with Breastfeeding! So I was able to feed and supplement for 5 weeks before switching to just formula. My doctor told me to just go to formula at that point, because he had all the good stuff I could offer him after only a couple of weeks! Good luck - he is precious!!

Amanda said...

Hey my cousin use to put an empty yoplait yogurt cup on her little man as a shield. She swore by it! LOL!

Anonymous said...

hey girl- you are an awesome mom and i think you look beautiful without makeup!!
I guess since I didn't breast feed i don't get all the hoopla about it. My son never got sick in 2 years and he was fed formula from day one. I think so many women feel guilted into it...that's ONLY my opinion though. Breast is probably best but in my humble opinion and experience, formula is great too.
Anyhoo, enough of that! Evan is so cute!! and the beginning is so exhausting and so hard and it can just plain suck at times! and it's okay not to love every minute of it! i sure as heck didn't! but i still adored my son. but dang it's tiring! it does get so much better once they are sleeping all nite! and you'll see-it goes by sooo fast!!

Tara said...

I'm so glad everyone is so positive and has good advice to share with me. Thanks!

Becky said...

Heya, I drop by every now and then to see how the little guys doing--I'm not a stalker, just a regular on Andrea's blog!

I've got two little ones, the first one was a breeze and the second one nearly drove me to a long walk off a short cliff, so I know the whole spectrum of feelings. Like I said, after my experience with number 2, I know I'm no expert, but I do think you should try not to be so hard on yourself. First of all, babies really don't get on a schedule until they are 3 or 4 months old. I mean they do, but they change schedules like once a week before that, so you can't really count on it, so you can try to establish some routines, but don't kill yourself over it. Also, I nursed both mine until they were 6 mos. (at which point I got sick of it and switched), but my doctor always told me to give them a bottle if I wanted to. It's great to breastfeed, but I don't think it has any real advantages to the baby these days (for you it's calorie-burning and money-saving). My second got a cold when he was a week and a half old, and he was fully breast-fed at that point, plus he still had protection from being in utero. Anyway, formula's really good (but expensive!) these days. If you want to nurse him for YOU, then that's fine, but don't feel guilted...and exhausted mommy is not what Evan needs, and pumping constantly will do that to you. Do what's best for the FAMILY, the baby will survive.
Sorry for the sermon from a complete stranger, but I felt for ya, you do seem overwhelmed (it was only a year ago that I felt the same way--it was tough). I am not meaning to be doom and gloom, I just want to encourage you to take it easy on yourself so you can be the best mommy and happy too! Good luck!

Becky said...

P.S. I'm glad you're enjoying him. He's a doll!