Wednesday, April 04, 2007

From Bad to Good

This morning started out rough! Evan woke me up around 2:37 AM. As I was halfway down the hall, I heard the house fall to a hush. The power went out! I also heard a ton of noise outside and thought a tree was going to fall, any minute. After Evan ate a little, we settled back into bed. I woke up late and called Mike to come home and not wait on me at the station (since the nights after he works, I usually meet him at the fire station to give him Evan). About 5 minutes after Mike walked in the door, power was restored. Evan also woke up and smiled for the camera.

First, he found his thumb, finally!

Then it was all smiles and giggles

We also got our brand new fridge today! I'm excited. This is what Evan did while the delivery people were moving about.

He is starting to spend more time playing with his toys so I loaded his bouncer down. He had a great time bouncing and discovering the colors and textures of his toys. All in all, it turned out to be a pretty good day. I'm definitely enjoying the little things like the smiles and discovery! I can't wait for the rest of the ride.

By the way... thanks to everyone who has left me comments for the ego boost! You all make me feel so loved!


Chris said...

YAY! The fridge arrived! How many times have you open and closed the freezer drawer??? HA!HA!

Talk to you tomorrow from Forsyth.

Tara said...

Ha, only a few times to clean it out and restock it. Unfortunately, the fridge doors and the freezer drawer beeps at you if you leave it open too long. It made restocking the frige a PITA.

Anonymous said...

Your son is such a cutie. Kids are so cute in the morning when they first wake up. Completely innocent.

Anonymous said...

That wind was crazy the other nite! man, it sounded like a train going thru our backyard. The Sausage fraked his freak and woke us all up at 2:30am. Adorable pics of Evan as always. he is snuggilicious!
oh, and girl. i bought the Proactiv on Monday and i already like it. my hope is that my skin looks at least half as good as yours! here's hopin'! but so far i do enjoy it!

Tara said...

I need to go buy some more myself. I have a few break out spots and I'm using expired stuff. Thanks for another ego boost and the compliments.

Becky said...

Those pictures are adorable...little boys are the best! I had sheets just like those when I was a little girl. Is that an old set, or are fashions just starting to come full circle?

Tara said...

The pillowcase is way old. I took it from my mom's house when I moved out. We just have plain sheets too. Unfortunately, with our zoo in the house, we can't put the nice stuff on the bed or it gets cat and dog hair all over it. I wish they would stay on the ground!

Andrea said...

Evan is such a cutie. Angela is right...they are so cute in the morning after a good night's sleep. So what happend to the old fridge? I hope it didn't die on ya.

Tara said...

It wasn't cooling right so we had some spoiled milk one day, turned the thermostat all the way up and that just costs money in energy. I was worried that Evan's formula wouldn't keep if we kept going much longer.

Now I have the cool french door fridge on top with the freezer drawer. It makes me feel like Rachael Ray! The best part is that all the extra work Mike did last week paid for it!

Bethany said...

You're little Evan is too handsome!! It makes me excited about Zach's arrival!! I always love looking at your blog because he always looks so happy. You can tell he has a Mommy who loves him!!!

Cool bouncer too!

Amanda said...

Aw, Evan is too cute! He is just precious...I love the pics of him smiling and giggling! Btw, I'd like to register on but cannot find you on their site as a representative. Can you help?