Monday, April 09, 2007

From Good to Worse

Things were looking up a little towards the end of last week. Friday changed that and I am now fully stressed each time I think about work. There's no explaining it so I'll leave it at that.

We didn't do much of anything for Easter, except make a quick trip to Wal-Mart. (Be warned, never go to Wal-Mart on a day that few other places are open!)

This was Thursday evening. Evan had just spit up and wasn't giving us a smile for anything!

And now for the worse part.....

This is the new body work I had done on my car today. At around 5:20 PM this afternoon, Evan and I were on our way home. I had just picked him up from my mom's house. I was in the right turn lane in front of Kroger (1 minute from my house) and I slammed into a guy turning left into Kroger. I slammed on the brakes, turned the wheel, but we still hit. I should have known something like this was coming since my bumper was tapped on I-85 a month and a half ago with no damage.

Good news is that Evan is perfect. He giggled and smiled after I opened the car door to check on him. I was in sheer panic and emotionally strung out. I didn't even talk to the guy. Good ole Gwinnett County got there pretty quick (15 min), gave the guy an improper left turn ticket, and told me to get the report in a few days. My poor car is driveable but parts keep falling out of the head light assembly when I drive. Unfortunately, I had to run to Target after all of this to get a prescription or I would have stayed home.

I'm sore, but that doesn't matter as long as Evan continues to be healthy and unharmed. My only problem is that I don't like driving around a gimpy car. It doesn't look cool! I hope you all had a Happy Easter and that you are doing good. If you can spare a prayer, help me pray that work gets better and that no more cars turn in front of me!


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear about your accident but Praise God that you are both ok. Sending you happy work wishes.

Heather said...

I'm glad you're both okay! I hope you feel better soon, that the work stuff gets better double quick, and the other guy's insurance covers the repair!

Andrea said...

I feel your pain-I got an a fender bender last Tuesday. I was too frustrated to post on it. Luckily David wasn't with me at the time. I in a parking lot, and no tickets were issued. I think we were both at fault (he was following too close, I tried to turn at the last second). Ugh... between body shops insurance my head hurts already.

Chris said...


I'm sooo glad that Evan and you are fine. I know things have been going in the wrong direction lately. Things will look up soon. Hang in there! You were blessed today to only have a fender bender...I know you know that.

Tara said...

Thanks everyone! I hate that my first post in a week has to be crappy news. I'll get back to being cheerful sometime soon. I just keep thinking, something's gotta give, sooner or later.

Anonymous said...

so sorry about your car, tara! but i am so glad that you and evan are okay. hey, is that the same easter bunny joe saw too? where are the glasses i wonder? it's a great picture! hope you had a wonderful easter!

Tara said...

It's the same! I frequent Discover Mills since it is about 4 miles from the house. I always think that you're so close every time you post from Bass Pro or just in the mall.

Anonymous said...

one of these days ole cuppa joe is gonna just show up at your house! haha! seriously, one day you ain't workin' over the summer we should meet up at Discover...

Tara said...

sounds like a plan.

Becky said...

Ugh...when it rains it pours, huh? So sorry about the car, at least you were lucky in that it wasn't your fault and the dude was insured.