Friday, June 11, 2010

My little t-ball star

Evan started t-ball towards the end of May. We are only playing games until the end of June but it's a great introduction. These pictures are from May, during the two weeks of practice, so they're a little old.


Sugar and Spice said...

How's Evan doing with t-ball now? It looks like he's having fun! I know you felt like he wasn't doing great initially, but Aidan has had his issues as well, but by the end of the season, he was proudly hitting balls that were pitched to him!

Tara said...

Evan is great at hitting but gets lazy when fielding. He watches the other boys run after the ball then has sportsmanship issues when someone else gets the ball. It's a work in progress!

Chris said...

Good for Evan!! We have Lindsay in swimming lessons this year. I can't believe she goes to pre-k on 8/2! Brooke will be 2 on 7/11.
Mind blowing!!