Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Random pictures of the boys

Here are a few random pictures of the boys from the past few days. Since the weather has been a bit cool, Conner has been able to wear some of Evan's old clothes.

On another note, tomorrow, the boys might not be so happy. We are enrolling both of them on research studies to help determine the causes of Type I Diabetes since they are both at a higher risk for the disease than an average child. Conner will have his blood drawn every three months until he's 4 then every 6 months until he's 15 or develops the disease. I'm not sure about the details of Evan's study. He is at a lower risk than Conner but it will probably involve blood draws every 6 months. Here's hoping neither of my children develop Type I diabetes. And if you're wondering, they distract the children, use EMLA numbing lotion to numb their arms, and take care to prevent the children from noticing pain. Say a prayer for us, please!

Have a fantastic week!


Heather said...

Very nice pictures. I think it's great your involved in the testing. I pray good things come of it and the boys remain free of diabetes. Love you all.

Andrea said...

We have the same surfboard tummy time mat. I was just reading about that EMLA numbing medicine-supposed to be good stuff. Tell me, why is Conner at a greater risk than Evan? Is it because Evan is already two and has yet to develop diabetes?

Tara said...

No, Conner's gene testing came back with high risk genes. He got the genes from both sides, mine and Mike's.

Evan came back as average risk. The people at the study were confusing me when they told me he was higher risk too. Evan is only higher risk because I am Type I. Conner just showed up with that extra little thing.