Blogs about my baby boy will make a reappearance tomorrow.....
Mike and I are hooked on 24. I've never missed an episode and I own all of the first seasons on DVD. I hate violence and scary stuff but this is one show that I just can't get enough of. The first season, I would have voted for President Palmer on the show, because I thought he was a darn good president, and even though there is no way Jack Bauer can do everything he has done in each course of a day, I totally buy into it. Anywho...glad we have Tivo because with Evan, 2 hours tonight and 2 hours tomorrow night might be difficult. We are going to enjoy it though!
okay- you and my dad would have a great conversation about this show. he is obsessed with he begs me to watch it...he wants to be jack bauer so bad!
I was just telling my mom about how I've heard this show is all the wouldn't make sense for me to start watching it now in season 6 though. House and The Apprentice are still my two fav's.
I've never watched it, but I'm watching it this eason because Rick Schroder's on it and he's my fave...we're Tivo-ing it too...I gotta see Desperate Housewives first!
Rick Schroder isn't on until episode 13 or something... at least that's what I heard on Larry King Live when they interviewed the cast. It was very violent tonight...I was almost sick, it was too much! But I'll still watch.
Geez, I can't stand that kind of stuff...maybe I should just forget the whole thing? It's hard keeping up with all my shows...what to watch? what to record? I don't have the time!!!!!
24 IS THE BOMB!!! I watch this shwo religously, and I too am not a fan of violence. Jack is the MAN!!!
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