Sunday, January 14, 2007

24 is back!

Blogs about my baby boy will make a reappearance tomorrow.....
Mike and I are hooked on 24. I've never missed an episode and I own all of the first seasons on DVD. I hate violence and scary stuff but this is one show that I just can't get enough of. The first season, I would have voted for President Palmer on the show, because I thought he was a darn good president, and even though there is no way Jack Bauer can do everything he has done in each course of a day, I totally buy into it. Anywho...glad we have Tivo because with Evan, 2 hours tonight and 2 hours tomorrow night might be difficult. We are going to enjoy it though!


Anonymous said...

okay- you and my dad would have a great conversation about this show. he is obsessed with he begs me to watch it...he wants to be jack bauer so bad!

Andrea said...

I was just telling my mom about how I've heard this show is all the wouldn't make sense for me to start watching it now in season 6 though. House and The Apprentice are still my two fav's.

Becky said...

I've never watched it, but I'm watching it this eason because Rick Schroder's on it and he's my fave...we're Tivo-ing it too...I gotta see Desperate Housewives first!

Tara said...

Rick Schroder isn't on until episode 13 or something... at least that's what I heard on Larry King Live when they interviewed the cast. It was very violent tonight...I was almost sick, it was too much! But I'll still watch.

Becky said...

Geez, I can't stand that kind of stuff...maybe I should just forget the whole thing? It's hard keeping up with all my shows...what to watch? what to record? I don't have the time!!!!!

Bethany said...

24 IS THE BOMB!!! I watch this shwo religously, and I too am not a fan of violence. Jack is the MAN!!!