Thursday, January 25, 2007

The things we do for the people that we love (and like a lot)

Evan's Baptismal Outfit
The new furnace ($4,000 deserves a couple of pictures)
The new A/C

Well today has been interesting. Mike called the HVAC service guy and it turns out we needed a new furnace and A/C. The cost for these two lovely items... $4,000. We don't have that kind of money. I told my mom about it and she paid for it so that we could avoid finance charges with another loan or putting it on a credit card. We are going to pay her back as the money comes in but it was so sweet of her to help us out. Luckily, Mike might have another flight tomorrow so he will make a little extra money.

As these two items were being installed, I left the house to run errands. (Side note: When you pay $4,000, they come to your house 30 minutes after the sales guy leaves to install it). Yesterday, I looked for Tummy Soother or Gripe Water for Evan at Target, Babies R Us, the Walgreens next to the house, CVS, and Eckerd. No one had it or they were sold out. Walgreens actually did have it but it was tampered with and the seal was broken. I ended up going to the Walgreen's up by the church, which is about 20 minutes further out from the house, and they had the Tummy Soother. Since he's been fussy lately, I figure this stuff will help. I've been doing a lot of reading on the Baby Center message boards for the December 2006 babies and that's where I found out about this stuff. Luckily, we haven't needed it today.

Yesterday, a lady from church, Julie Ciccone, called me. She helps me out with the Wedding Guild and she and her husband are very involved in the church. Back when I was still pregnant, she told me that she wanted to buy Evan's christening outfit and she wanted to buy it from Strausberg Children at Discover Mills. I said sure, even though I know that place is very pricey. After all, I'm not classy enough for a place that wraps their baby clothes in plastic on the hanger and who's slogan is "in the business of dressing angels". Angels must have a lot of money! Well back to my story, yesterday, Evan and I met her up there and she bought him an outfit, bonnet, booties with crosses, a bib with a cross, knee-high socks, and a beautiful blanket with a cross. I was floored by the gesture and the price (just under $200)! Everything is absolutely beautiful. We were going to get him a gown but he is too small. He is still in newborn size and we plan on having his baptism sometime in February. I have to call Fr. Chito tomorrow and see if we can have it at the Cathedral of Christ the King, where he was reassigned. We just have to get special permission to have a private baptism.

All in all, we are very lucky and loved people. I am so thankful to have a mom that is concerned about us and doesn't want us in financial ruin. I am also thankful to have great friends and family who show their love and post me messages about my blog, among other things... and occasionally, those angels from above that buy us expensive as heck baptismal clothes for my beautiful little boy.... oh and one more thing...thankful Walgreen's somewhere had something to help my baby's tummy next time we have a really, really bad day.


Andrea said...

You are truly loved! I just love that baptismal outfit. I was not a big fan of putting David in a gown, but it was the one Jason wore when he was Baptized, which was made my his grandmother so it was special and sentimental...and FREE!

Andrea said...

correction; made by his (Jason's) grandmother (not my his) which would be David's great grandmother who is no longer living.

Anonymous said...

beautiful outfit! what a sweet gesture. Joe wore the gown that my mom had made out of her wedding 4 siblings got to wear it on their baptisms. i, however, did not get to wear it. i was a 10 and a half lb heffer at birth and the gown did not fit over my big moosehead.
i used that gripe water with Joe too...i would dip his pacy in it-ya know mixed in with a little bourbon...;)kidding...

Becky said...

Geez, I know how that parents have come to the rescue on NUMEROUS occasions! I always feel bad, but also grateful that they're helping out. The baptismal outfit is beautiful. We had both our boys in "outfits", not gowns--just a personal preference.

Heather said...

Elena wore my baptismal dress - not gown. Handmade in the Phillipines, bought by a friend of my grandparents.

The Walgreens brand gas drops (if that is what Tummy Soothers is) works just fine and is cheap!

Tara said...

We are using gas drops but the Tummy Soothers is something that helps settle the stomach when it isn't gas. It's the same as gripe water.

Erin Kathleen said...

Ugh! Sorry about the furnice, but that baptismal outfit is absolutely gorgeous!!! What a great friend!

Chris said...

I love the pics. SOrry about the unexpected expense. Maternity leave is NOT a good time for something like that. Thank Goodness you have family to help you! I never knew about the Gripe Water with Lindsay but we never went ANYWHERE without the mylicon (target brand)! I'll know next time though!