Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Follow Up

Mid-morning swing time
Lola visiting before work
(Lola is Filipino for grandmother because my mom looks way too young!)

Wide Awake

Before our current nap

About to fall asleep

It is now almost 8:00 PM. I've made it over 12 hours without my wonderful husband. The night is what scares me the most though. I know I will wake up as soon as Evan cries but it has been something I have feared that I will sleep through. Today, we've eaten, fussed, changed diapers and even took a short trip to Kroger. Evan slept the entire time we went and Kroger is less than a mile away but I needed some milk and sandwich meat and Mike needed coffee for the morning when he gets home. It probably could have waited until tomorrow but it was something I needed to do.

My mom came over around 5:30 PM, before she went to work tonight. She changed my c-section wound dressing (since that still plagues me) and fed Evan so that I could eat and get a few things put together. I never got a chance to take care of taking down our Christmas decorations but maybe tomorrow. I'm going to sleep after Evan's next feeding and diaper change, sometime around 9 PM, I'm guessing and give the night my best shot. I have to be up early to go to my endocrinologist and get my blood sugars back in order. Enjoy the pictures from our day!


Andrea said...

Whoa-did he fall asleep during tummy time?

I love the name Lola!

Tara said...

He likes to fall asleep during tummy time a lot so we give him tummy time at least twice a day. He's a sleepy baby but also keeps to his 3 hour naps.

Andrea said...

3 HOUR NAPS???? Tell me he isn't sleeping through the night and I will feel slightly better.

Anonymous said...

yeah, JOe never slept at evan's age. NEVER!! so you are blessed! great pictures! evan is just precious!

Tara said...

3 hours around the clock. That includes night time. There's no way he would ever sleep through the night.