Tuesday, January 23, 2007

6 Weeks!

Evan is 6 weeks old today! Time is flying. I'm enjoying it all and dreading that I only have 6 more weeks off of work. Evan has been cranky for the past few days. He hasn't been sleeping all that well. The 5 hour night was a one time only appearance. Saturday night he gave us a 4 hour time span and now we're back to the 3 hour naps. I didn't expect it to last long but it was nice while it lasted.

Today, I've got Evan to take a few good naps, instead of the drink an ounce, sleep 20 minutes, cry, repeat. While he has napped, I've been a total geek. I've played on MySpace reconnecting with any and everyone I can think of and tracked Mike's flight to Houston and will probably track it as he flies back. Mike left around 1:00 this afternoon to transport a patient from Dekalb to Houston. He should be back home some time around 10 or 11 tonight.

Things are still good. I enjoy Evan immensly, especially since he's started following voices and he's starting to grasp at a few things. I still haven't seen a smile, but I was reading that since he was early, it might take him a little longer. I will patiently await each and every milestone!


Becky said...

Hey, that's progress! I for one am a fan of the big naps, but when it's a trade-off for nighttime sleep, that can be tough. Glad you're doing well!

Katy S. said...

Happy 6 weeks! As each day passes I can see your boy telling my boy "I am _____weeks and ____ days older than you"

Tara said...

Katy- we're in for it when they learn to talk. I can't wait for yours to get here.

Anonymous said...

you have a way better attitude than i had around 6 weeks with Joe. I hated it all. except for my baby, of course! :)
that sleep schedule can be maddening in the beginning...but soon enough, he'll be sleeping thru the nite....it's amazing how fast it all goes by!

Andrea said...

Gurrl...I swear by the book "On becoming Babywise". Do yourself a favor and buy/read that book. Its how we got David to sleep through the night starting at 8 weeks.

Tara said...

Andrea - I had that book but never read it. I think I've already passed it on too. We read the Baby Whisperer books and he has resisted it.

Anonymous said...

i thought baby wise sucked myself. i think babies are gonna do what they gonna do when they gonna do it. but that's just my opinion. :)

Erin Kathleen said...

I still say that 6 weeks is the worst age ever. It starts to get better at 6 weeks because they actually start to interact with you - or at least acknowledge your presence as more than a boob or a bottle.

BTW - Babywise is considered very controversial. It wasn't right for us, but maybe it is for some people. Read some reveiws before you start implimenting it, Tara.