Thursday, December 21, 2006

Breastfeeding Success!

Today, we went all day breastfeeding only. There was no formula needed. We did have to use a little overnight last night but today it was a lot of patience on Evan's part and my part. He is eating every hour to hour and a half now but it's worth it.

Tomorrow, we are going to try and make a mini trip to Gwinnett Place Mall when they open. I want to try and get a picture of Evan with the mall Santa and get Mike one last Christmas gift. I have it planned out so that we won't have to walk much since I have my c-section issues. I took a few more cute pictures today but I have to load them on the computer. I'll post a bunch of them tomorrow, probably.


Andrea said...

Yay! Glad it is going well. I always say that breast milk is a life-long gift!

Katy S. said...

Keep up the great work!!!

Bethany said...

CONGRATS, Girl. Doesn't it feel great to make it through that first full day of successful breastfeeding. I remember it well. I agree with is a life long gift. Olivia has been exceptionally healthy during her first year of life. Keep it up!!!