Monday, November 27, 2006

Merry Christmas, I hope!

Today, I had another doctor's appointment and they did growth. Evan is a huge baby! He's up to 6 lbs and 8 ozs and I am only 34 weeks and 1 day! I wasn't in a hurry to get Evan here before Christmas because he wouldn't know the difference but knowing how big he is, I hope he does arrive around Christmas. I don't want a c-section nor a 9-10+ lb baby. I want him to be healthy though so hopefully his lungs will start to mature so he will be ready to come out sooner. I'll talk to my OB on Thursday and see what she says. I'm told that there's nothing that I could have done to prevent him from getting so large. My lab results from last week are perfect and I've kept my diabetes in check. I've had such a great pregnancy, I don't think Evan will want to leave his home as early as I want him to. I'll keep posting as he gets larger!


Bethany said...

Best of Luck at your appointment on Thursday. Do you think that your OB will consider induction?

Andrea said...

I can hardly wait to see what he looks like!

Tara said...

Induction was an option at 39 weeks but I am going to see if the OB will consider moving that up a week and a half or so. I'm glad he's healthy too and I'll take him anyway I can get him, but it scares the heck outta me!