Monday, February 05, 2007

Back to work :(

Who could leave a butt like this and not be sad?

Tomorrow, I start back to work part-time. I will be working a full day Tuesday and Wednesday. If all goes well Friday, I'll go in for a few hours after Evan's 2 month doctor's appointment. This morning, I went by work and talked to my boss and went by the doctor's office to get my back to work paperwork signed. Evan was the best baby and impressed everyone. It makes me so sad that I have to go back so soon. Just talking about it makes my eyes well up. I wasn't planning on going back this early since my FMLA ends 3/6/07, but we need the money. Credit card debt (all mine!), 2 car payments, a mortgage, and a new baby can do that to you.

Evan also cracked his first good smile at me today! It immediately brought me to tears though, both happy and sad tears. Tomorrow morning, Evan will visit my mom for a few hours until Mike is done getting his car's oil changed and things. I'm sure when 4 PM rolls around, I'll be cursing 285 and 85 traffic trying to get back home to my 2 month old baby boy.


Anonymous said...

i went back to work when Joe was 6 weeks old and my mom watched him everyday for the next 5 months until the school year ended. it was actually very good for me to go back to work, i guess that's because my post partum depression was so bad- it helped lift it. but i know how sad you must be feeling. but just think how great it will be when you get to see that sweet face when you get home!
I love that little frog butt!! that outfit is too cute!
and trust me, i know all too well about those credit card bills. i gots more debt than i can even count at this point!

Becky said...

The butt is adorable!!! Newborns have the best butts!

I know you're a little bummed, but look on the bright are so lucky to have your own family watching him while you're away. I took Patrick to his aunt's house two days a week starting at four and a half months. It was scary at first, but it ended up being sooooo good for me to enter the real world again. Good luck tomorrow! I'll cross my fingers for no accidents on 285!

Andrea said...

I'm sure you'll shed more tears tomorrow, but here is one thought to get you through the day. Babies at this age have no sense of time. To him it will seem like you weren't gone that long at all!

Chris said...

Oh Tara what a sweet little Froggie Butt!! Tomorrow will be tough and I won't try to tell you that it won't but you do have your mom watching him so I hope that helps! After you get used to your work life getting back incorporated you'll actually look forward to a little "baby free" time even if it's work. LOL!
So excited about the first smile...get pics when you can!