Tuesday, February 06, 2007

A slight delay of plans

Last night, after my blogging about going back to work, I ended up with chills, spaghetti arms, vomiting, and other things. Evan was hungry and upset with me but I could hardly move. I had to call Mike to come home from work where he proceeded to get the same symptoms. We both slept fitfully through the night and most of today. Evan has been sleeping right along with us and been a good baby overall. Luckily, he hasn't caught anything and seems healthy. I'm going to try and go to work tomorrow.

On the good news side, Katy and Derrick's baby boy will arrive tomorrow morning.

I hope everyone else had a good day.


Andrea said...

Yuck! Its definately not cool when you are both sick at the same time. Its hard enough when one parent is not feeling well. I hope y'all get better soon. Don't push yourself too hard to go back to work...bills-I never liked paying 'em anyway ; )

Anonymous said...

girl, i am so sorry you feel so bad. that stinks! hope you are all feeling better very soon!

Chris said...

Glad you are feeling better. Let me know if you make it in here to work today. Hope Mike is feeling better today too!

Becky said...

Oh yuck! Thank goodness Evan was being a sweet boy. Feel better!