Monday, February 19, 2007

Manic Monday

Have you ever had one of these days? This wasn't today for Evan but it was a stressful one for his mom. I miss Mike dearly and he won't be home until Saturday night. One daily generic email with an update just doesn't cut it for me but I'll have to take it. I'll be glad when he's back home with us.

It was difficult for us to get up this morning and go over to my mom's house before I went to work. Work was stressful too. Evan seemed like he had a good time with his Lola though. The best part of my day was coming back to him.
Here's hoping your Monday's were better!


Anonymous said...

I love how you call her his Lola...too cute! i am sorry you had a lousy monday. oh, i have had many lousy mondays for sure. here's hoping you have a terrific tuesday, girl!! adorable pics of that sweet baby of yours. :)

Becky said...

Whew, he is getting to be a big boy!!!!

Chris said...

Sorry you are having a rough week. I know you will feel SO much better when Mike gets home. Hang in there at work tomorrow. At least you're outta there the rest of the week. I'll call you on Wed and let you know how the sale was.
Hang in there!

Andrea said...

He is getting big-I am looking forward to holding him again!

Erin Kathleen said...

Look at how big he's getting! I think he's catching up with Lana. I know how hard it is when Brent's away and he was only gone a few days. Yuck! Give me a call if you need a chat. Still, he seems like he's the light of your life...literally. Treasure every moment...they fly by. (Sorry, I'm a bit sentamental tonight - two glasses of wine in a nursing mother and a 9 month old will do that do you.)