Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Just the two of us

Last night (that's me sporting the snowflake red pants and purple robe...fashionable!)
Another picture from yesterday

Mike went back to work this morning. This day has caused me more anxiety in the last week that anyone could ever imagine. Now that the day is here, I am okay so far, but I still have until 8 AM tomorrow morning. I know I can handle it with just Evan and me but things are still so brand new. I guess I still feel a little overwhelmed too since I am having to feed him then pump (since I still have breastfeeding issues) and then clean the parts while I still remember to eat.

Evan was 3 weeks old yesterday! Time flies! We are still figuring each other out but things are still wonderful. If today is particularly good or bad, I'll post something later!


Andrea said...

Oh how I remember dreading that day as well. Jason had a week off and my mom also spent that week with us so I lost both of their help that day. I like to say those first few weeks we were in "survival mode". Hang in there and call me if you need to talk!

Tara said...

Thanks! My mom is working nights as of last night and tonight so I'm in the same boat where she's not available either.