Sunday, January 21, 2007

A Sign of Things to Come?

Yesterday started out rough as Evan woke up at 6:40 something in the morning. He proceeded to stay awake, with a couple of 20 minute naps, until about 1:00 PM. Finally, we loaded him in the car seat so we could go buy a new computer chair and he finally slept.

We went to church at 5:30 PM and all seemed fantastic. (Side note: We sit inside the main part of the church since he usually sleeps.) Around 6:50 (Fr. Jack's Mass was long), during the final blessing, Evan let out a loud shrieking cry. You would have thought I dropped him on his head. Everyone proceeded to turn around and look at us but I had a bottle ready to go.

After Mass, we went to dinner in Loganville with Christina, Jeremy, Cole, and Jeremy's parents Barbara and Jimmy. After we returned home around 10 PM, Evan proceeded to stay up and restless until 1:00 AM. This morning, Mike was getting ready for work around 5:00 AM and asked asked me if I had gotten up to feed Evan. I hadn't. Mike left and at 6:00 AM, Evan finally woke up. He ate and we slept again until 9 AM. He has proceeded to eat and sleep in 20 minute segments again today, but I'm so excited that he slept for 5 hours straight. Maybe he feels sorry for us and maybe it was a one time deal but it is a nice change of pace.


Becky said...

I can't tell if you're uspet about the 20-min naps or glad about the five-hour nighttime sleep. But they do tend to switch schedules suddenly and numerous times in the first 4-5 months, so maybe he will keep up the longer sleeping at night!!!

Anonymous said...

yep, this is true..they change their schedules like crazy in the beginning...but i gotta say, Joe never let us sleep for the 1st 6 months at all!! oh, he was a fussy baby!

Andrea said...

5 hrs? You're getting there. There is a trade-off though. Sleeping during the night means more time awake during the day...but with more sleep you can handle it!

Tara said...

I'm cool with the awake during the day thing as long as he sleeps a little during the night. I'll take this schedule any day.